Qualitative tests of functional groups in Carbohydrate

 Qualitative tests of functional groups in Protein 

Aim:-   Detection of  Carbohydrates 

Preparation of Sample solution for Carbohydrate test. 

Make 0.2% and 2% solutions of the Dextrose-D or Fructose and perform the following experiments in order to identify the reducing action of glucose and fructose :

Preliminary test for identification of unknown substance from the sample

Sr. No.





Preliminary Test



Protein  may be present carbohydrates may be present

No coagulation


carbohydrates may be present


Biurate test

Take 3 ml  of 5% O.S. in a test tube, add 1 ml of 40% NaOH solution to make it strongly alkaline, and then add 2 drops of 1 % copper sulphate solution.

Violet or pink colour appears.

Protein may be present.



No violet or pink colour



Carbohydrates may be present. 


Study of contraceptive

  Study of contraceptive

1) Oral contraceptive or pills :

  •   The prevents an increase in the population of birth rate may be decreased and its brought about by some methods called contraceptives.
  • contraception is nothing but avoiding or opposing conception and fertilization. Thus contraception means prevention of fertilization to avoid the instruments are used to avoid pregnancy are called as contraceptives.
  •   This method is 100% effective Synthetic female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are given with pills which in habit revolution the oral pills are steroid in nature and can be synthesized in chemical factors the low level of FSH and LH prevent ovulation e.g. Choice pills.

2) Intro Uterine Device :

  •  It is commonly used IUD are copper 'T'
  • They are small objects made of copper stainless steel and plastic.
  • It is a successful and permanent method of contraception 
  • It is made up of plastic polythene or metal or a combination of both.
  • Copper  'T' is available in the market and is widely used in India. 
  • It is introduced by a physician 
  • One has to change or replaced by new  after 2.3 years 

3) Condom:-

  •  Condoms are of two types used by males and women. 
  • The condoms are devices are made up of elastic which are fitted over the penis to control the entry of sperm into the vagina  and for sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • The condom is the only contraceptive that prevents AIDS infection.

B. Sc- II Zoology Practical -II Content


1. Qualitative tests of functional groups in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.  

2. Estimation of protein by colorimetric method.  

3. Estimation of carbohydrates by colorimetric method.  

4.  Demonstration of paper chromatography of amino acids.  

5.  Action of amylase or papain enzyme under optimum conditions.    

6.  Effect of pH, temperature, and inhibitors on the action of amylase.    

7.  Demonstration of protein separation by SDS-PAGE.  

8.  Recording of simple muscle twitch/ Cardiogram – demonstration.   (Virtual frog/ computer generated)                                                                                                                 (Analysis of given graph of Frog- muscle twitch or cardiogram In the examination  students are provided with any one computer-generated graph and  supposed to  ‘Analyze the given graph and explain details of principle, procedure, result,  Inference, and viva-voce based on the given practical is expected)  

9. Study of permanent slides (T.S./V,S.) -  of Mammalian organs using permanent slides: 

 i) Tooth     

 ii) Salivary gland     

 iii) Stomach           

 iv) IIeum v) Liver   

 vi) Pancreas 

vii) Kidney    

viii) Testis     

  ix) Ovary   

10. Study of ABO blood group system and blood group antigens  

11. Microtomy: 

  • Study of principle 
  • Procedure and mechanism of micro-technique and microtome  
  • Flow chart of technique
  • study of procedure and observation of HE staining technique/ whole mount using permanent slides (study of protocol using flowchart).   

12. Study visit:  Visit  to wetlands, medical college, pathology laboratory and blood bank   

B. Sc.- II Zoology Practical - II Links


S.T.U.S. Mandal’s

Sangola College, Sangola

Department of Zoology

B. Sc- II Zoology   Practical-II-  (Paper-VII & VIII)

Fundamentals Of Biochemistry And Animal Physiology: Controlling  And Coordinating Systems


(Instruction- All student should use this index while writing record book – For procedure and observation Link is given below each practical.)

 (Gives your valuable suggestion and comments  in comment box.  And  Follow my blog fro further in formations )

Practical syllabus - Link   https://zoology-manual2020.blogspot.com/2021/07/b-sc-ii-zoology-practical-ii.html     

1.      Qualitative tests of functional groups Protein/ Carbohydrate and Lipids.   

Use this link for procedure

1.      Qualitative test for  functional groups in  carbohydrates.+


2.      Qualitative Test for  functional groups in proteins.


3.      Qualitative tests of functional groups in lipids.


2.      Estimation of Protein by colorimetric method.


3.      Estimation carbohydrates by colorimetric method –


4.      Demonstration of paper chromatography of amino acids.


5.       Action of amylase or papain enzyme under optimum conditions.

6.      Effect of pH on the action of amylase.


7.      Effect of temperature on the action of amylas.


8.      Effect of inhibitors on the action of amylase


9.      Demonstration of proteins separation by SDS-PAGE.

10.  Recording of simple muscle twitch demonstration. (Virtual frog/ computer generated).


11.  Recording of  Cardiogram – demonstration. (Virtual frog/ computer generated)


(Analysis of given graph of Frog- muscle twitch or cardiogram In the examination students are provided with any one computer generated graph and supposed to ‘Analyze the given graph and explain details of principle, procedure, result, Inference and viva-voce based on the given practical is expected).

12.  Study of permanent slides (T.S./V,S.) - of Mammalian organs using permanent slides:

i)                    V. S. of  Tooth


ii)                  T. S. of  Salivary gland


iii)                T. S. of  Stomach  


iv)                T. S. of   IIeum


v)                  T. S. of   Liver  


vi)                T. S. of  Pancreas  


vii)              T. S. of  Kidney


viii)            T. S. of  Testis


ix)                T. S. of  Ovary


 13.  Study of ABO blood group system and blood group antigens


  • 14.   Microtomy:

a.       Study of principle , procedure and mechanism of micro-technique and microtome https://zoology-manual2020.blogspot.com/2021/05/microtomy-zoology-dr-vidhin-kamble.html :

b.      flow chart of technique,  


c.       Study of procedure and observation of HE staining technique/ whole mount using permanent slides (study of protocol using flowchart).


 15.   Study visit: visit to wetlands, medical college, pathology laboratory and blood bank


16.  Preparation and submission of small project/ review on topics related to ecology, cell biology, biochemistry and physiology




Each sperm has a head middle piece and a long tail. The head contains a dark staining nucleus with the less dense tip that caused the acrosome. The middle piece contains internally a spirally coiled thread. In tail is long and the sperm moues with a lashing movement using the tail the immature.  Sperm, when leaving the testies, are nonmotile they have no power of movements they which into the epididymis they become mature the fluid secreted by the glands nourishes them and makes them viable the glandular secretion is sufficiently declined so that it can neutralize the acidity of the vagina fluid.

Vaginal smear :

  The vagina lies ventral to the rectum but dorsal to the urethra the vagina thus straight backword and opens to the exterior by the vaginal genital aperture the valve the opening of the urethra the vagina and urethra together form a short common passage called valva
Study of  blood group Antigen
Aim : To classify the blood groups
Chemicals and Reagent: 70% alcohols blood group antisera A.B.D.
Equipment : Pricking needles glass slide microscopetc.
Principle : 
Detection of blood group depends upon antigen-antibody interaction Antigen antibody Antigen- B, when a particular antigen is present and corres ponding the antibody is absent when particular it will react reacted with respective anti body it will react with an antigen present on the R.B. forming a complex of the clump the clumping is also called clotting or Agglutination.
Procedure :
 1) Keeping all sterile condition take three drops of blood on a clean glass side.
2) Add the antiserum A.D.B. to each drop of blood.
3) Shake the drop of blood gently with the help of tooth pins needle and observe the clumpiny.
4) Interpret the result at follows.
 Result :
  For studying the classification of blood group.
I performed the expect or blood group checking hence my own blood group is ‘O’ Negative.

Study of effect of pH on Catalase enzyme activity.

Study of the effect of pH on Catalase enzyme activity.

Aim: Study of the effect of pH on Catalase enzyme activity.

Principle: The enzymes are the biological catalysts, increase the rate of biochemical reactions without taking part and work at certain pH, loose their activity at higher temperatures. They are protein in nature and remain unchanged at the end of the reactions.


This enzyme is present in the peroxisomal microbodies which are found in the cell cytoplasm. Hydrogen peroxide present in the plant part/leaves is toxic to the plant which is broken down in to water and oxygen. The freed oxygen is received by the atmosphere which is further used by all the living organisms (aerobic).

The reaction can be shown as:-

2H2O2 + Catalase 2H2O +O2

(Substrate) + (Enzyme) water +Oxygen

Requirements: Potato tuber/ fresh leaves (any plant).test tube and test tube holder, spirit lamp,

morter and pestle (if leaves are used as enzyme source.), Hydrogen peroxide (20%), D. W.

blade/knife, cotton.

Procedure: 1) Potato tuber is taken and cut in to small slices/pieces with the knife/blade.

2) Two clean test tubes are taken and labeled as boiled and fresh. Few pieces of potato are

taken in both the test tubes with 2ml of D.W.

3) The test tube which is labeled as boiled is heated on the spirit lamp for 5 minutes and allowed to cool at room temperature.

4) About 2 ml of 2H2O2 (20%) is added to both the test tubes and plugged with cotton and

both the test tube are observed.

5) The test tube with boiled potato slices does not show the evolution of oxygen but the test

tube without boiling (fresh) shows the evolution of oxygen bubbles.

6) The observation can be made as shown in the observation table. Note- 5% extract of leaves prepared in water can be used after filtration through muslin cloth about 2 ml. in places of potato slices. 

The procedure is same as above (1-6) except for potato slices. The result appears same. 

Test tube

The reaction mixture in the Test tube




Boiled Potato slices    (few) + 2ml DW→Heat→Cool → add 2ml 2H2O2   (20%)     


No Evolution of oxygen bubbles.

Absence of enzyme activity catalase


Potato slices (few) +2mlDW →add 2ml 2H2O2 (20%)

Evolution of oxygen bubbles.

Presence of enzyme activity catalase


The test tube containing boiled potato pieces does not show the evolution of oxygen bubbles because at higher temperature the enzymes become denatured