Histology of Tooth

 V. S. of  TOOTH of Mammal

1. Teeth are present in bucal cavity.
2.  Tooth is distinguished in to crown, neck and root.
3.  Crown is the exposed part of the tooth which projects out of the jaws in the oral
cavity and is white glistening in appearance.
4.  Neck is the middle part of the tooth which is above the root surrounded by the gum.
5. Root is present in the bony socket of jaw bone or alveolus.
6. The vertical section o tooth shows following histological parts.
A) Pulp cavity B) Dentine C) Cement D) Enamel
Cavity enclosed by tooth is called pulp cavity. Pulp cavity is surrounded by relatively soft dentine.  Tooth is fitted into the socket of jaw by cement substance. Enamel is hardest part of tooth, covering dentine from all side.

Function of tooth: Mastication of Food

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