B.Sc.-II Zoology Practical- II (Paper-VII & VIII): PAH Solapur University, Solapur, Faculty of Science


B.Sc.-II Zoology  Practical

PAH Solapur University, Solapur, Faculty of Science

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

 ( 2020-2021 : w.e.f. June 2019) **


(Paper-VII & VIII):

Fundamentals of biochemistry and animal physiology: controlling and coordinating systems

1. Qualitative tests of functional groups in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.

2. Estimation of protein by colorimetric method.

3. Estimation of carbohydrates by colorimetric method.

4. Demonstration of paper chromatography of amino acids.

5. Action of amylase or papain enzyme under optimum conditions.

6. Effect of pH, temperature and inhibitors on the action of amylase.

7. Demonstration of proteins separation by SDS-PAGE.

8. Recording of simple muscle twitch/ Cardiogram – demonstration. (Virtual frog/ computer generated) (Analysis of given graph of Frog- muscle twitch or cardiogram In the examination

students are provided with any one computer generated graph and supposed to

‘Analyze the given graph and explain details of principle, procedure, result,

Inference and viva-voce based on the given practical is expected)

9. Study of permanent slides (T.S./V,S.) - of Mammalian organs using permanent slides:

i) Tooth ii) Salivary gland iii) Stomach iv) IIeum v) Liver vi) Pancreas vii) Kidney viii) Testis ix) Ovary

10. Study of ABO blood group system and blood group antigens

11. Microtomy: Study of principle , procedure and mechanism of micro-technique and microtome : flow chart of technique, study of procedure and observation of HE staining technique/ whole mount using permanent slides (study of protocol using flowchart).

12. Study visit: Visit to wetlands, medical college, pathology laboratory and blood bank


13. Preparation and submission of small project/ review on topics related to ecology, cell biology, biochemistry and physiology

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